Our Application Audit Services help you
achieve the highest standards in App Development.

The risks of unoptimized code, bugs, missing GDPR / legal documentation, and security vulnerabilities could spell disaster for your software project! Prevent potential catastrophes with our cutting-edge AI-driven software audit. We'll help you uncover and fix these hidden issues before they blow up.

Is Your Software Project A Ticking Time Bomb?

Did you know that, on average, there are 15 bugs for every 1,000 lines of code? 

– In fact, software errors have cost companies billions of dollars in losses over the years.  A major data breach in 2017 resulted in a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars and severe reputational damage for a well-known company.

– Additionally, since the implementation of GDPR, companies have paid over €329 million in fines due to data privacy violations. Poorly written software code, security flaws, and other issues can have catastrophic consequences for your business.

Eliminate Inefficiencies and Supercharge Your Software Project with Our Cutting-Edge Audit Solution

Imagine your software as a house, and our audit service as a team of professional inspectors. We go room by room, checking the foundations, walls, electrical systems, and plumbing to ensure everything is up to code and functioning optimally.

In the same way, we delve deep into your software’s code, architecture, and infrastructure to identify any weak spots, security risks, or compliance issues, providing you with a comprehensive report and actionable recommendations to fortify and enhance your software.

And if you like, we also provide the right craftsmen to do the necessary repairs. 

Unlock Your App's Success: Unearth and Fix Problems with Expert App-Audit Solutions

By choosing one or more of Application Audit Services, you receive:

Code Auditing

We perform a thorough analysis of your application’s code to ensure it is clean, maintainable, and efficient.

Do you feel something is not right with your app? You see it performs slowly and is often crushing but you can’t find the root cause?

Unoptimized and poorly structured code can lead to decreased performance, increased development time, and costly future maintenance.

We dive deep into your code to find any issues, provide you with a detailed report, and offer expert guidance on how to fix them.

Get realistic, detailed, and objective feedback on the quality of your code. React on time and prevent any further damage caused by bad code.

Documentation Analysis

We evaluate your documentation for completeness, consistency, and accuracy to ensure a smooth development process.

Struggling with unclear, outdated, or missing documentation for your software projects?

Incomplete or poorly written documentation can lead to confusion, increased development time, and difficulties in maintaining or scaling your application.

Ultimately, this affects your software’s quality, impacting user satisfaction and your business’s bottom line.

Our team of experts will thoroughly analyze your documentation and code comments, ensuring their presence, quality, and consistency.

We’ll provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance your documentation, fostering better collaboration and efficiency within your team.

Application Testing

Our team rigorously tests your application to identify and fix bugs, performance bottlenecks, and security vulnerabilities.

Are you concerned about potential bugs, performance issues, or security vulnerabilities in your software application?

Undetected problems can lead to dissatisfied users, lost revenue, and damage to your brand reputation.

Unresolved issues in your application can escalate, causing crashes, data breaches, or a frustrating user experience.The longer these problems persist, the more time and resources it takes to fix them, negatively impacting your business’s growth and success.

Our team of skilled testers will rigorously examine your application, identifying and addressing bugs, performance bottlenecks, and security vulnerabilities.

By optimizing your application’s performance and security, we’ll help you create a seamless user experience that keeps your customers coming back.

Code Versioning

We help you implement the best code versioning practices for seamless collaboration and efficient development.

Do you face challenges in managing your software development team’s codebase?

Without a proper code versioning system in place, collaboration becomes difficult, and your development process slows down.

This can lead to missed deadlines, decreased team productivity, and a negative impact on the overall quality of your software projects. Streamline your development process with our Code Versioning Service.

Our team of experts will help you implement the best code versioning practices, facilitating seamless collaboration and efficient development.

By organizing your codebase effectively, your team can work in harmony, boosting productivity and ensuring the delivery of high-quality software applications.

License & GDPR Compliance

We ensure your application adheres to licensing requirements and GDPR guidelines, minimizing legal risks.

Worried about potential legal risks and non-compliance issues with your software application?

Overlooking licensing requirements and GDPR guidelines can lead to hefty fines, legal repercussions, and damage to your company’s reputation.

Non-compliance with licenses and GDPR regulations not only puts your business at financial risk but also erodes trust with your customers.

Safeguard your business with our License & GDPR Compliance Audit Service.

Our team of experts will meticulously review your software application to ensure it adheres to licensing requirements and GDPR guidelines.

By addressing compliance issues, you minimize legal risks and instill confidence in your customers, ensuring the ongoing success of your business.

Development Process

Team Performance Evaluation

Our experts assess your team’s performance and development processes to identify areas for improvement.

Do you have concerns about your software development team’s performance and efficiency?

Ineffective development processes can lead to missed deadlines, wasted resources, and subpar software quality.

Our experts will assess your team’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide tailored recommendations to optimize your development process.

By refining your team’s workflow, you can enhance collaboration, reduce development time, and deliver exceptional software applications that drive your business forward.

BLE Analysis

We analyze your application’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) implementation to ensure efficient and secure communication.

Are you concerned about the efficiency and security of your application’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) implementation?

Weak BLE implementation can result in increased energy consumption, unstable connectivity, and potential data breaches.

Optimize your application’s BLE performance with our BLE Analysis Service.

Our team of experts will thoroughly examine your application’s Bluetooth Low Energy implementation, ensuring efficient and secure communication.

By addressing potential issues and optimizing your BLE integration, we’ll help you deliver a seamless user experience that keeps your customers satisfied and engaged.

Load & Performance Testing

We stress-test your application to identify potential scaling issues and optimize its performance.

Are you worried about your software application’s ability to handle increased user traffic and demand?

Inadequate load and performance testing can lead to slow response times, system crashes, and a frustrating user experience.

As your user base grows, these issues become even more critical and challenging to address.

Our team of skilled testers will rigorously assess your application under various load conditions, identifying potential bottlenecks and areas for optimization.

By fine-tuning your application’s performance, we’ll help you deliver a seamless user experience that keeps your customers happy and loyal.

UX & Usability Analysis

Our team evaluates your application’s user experience and usability to ensure customer satisfaction.

Make sure your software application’s user experience does not fall short of expectations.

Our team of experts will evaluate your application, identifying areas for improvement and providing actionable recommendations to enhance usability and user satisfaction.

Security Analysis

We identify and address potential security risks to protect your application and your users’ data.

Ignoring potential security risks in your application exposes your users’ sensitive data and your business to harm.

The consequences of a breach can be long-lasting, including financial loss, legal repercussions, and damage to your brand reputation.

Our experienced security experts will rigorously assess your software, identifying and addressing potential security vulnerabilities.

Instill confidence in your customers and safeguard your business against threats.



Building apps and digital solutions for businesses and industries with our impactful solutions for iOS and Android, IoT, BLE.
  • 20+
    Millions Installations
  • 300+
    Clients Worldwide
  • 200+
    Projects Completed
  • 21
    Years active on the market



Interested in only one aspect of these Audits?

No problem because you can choose individual audits as a separate service.
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Improve your application

in 3 easy steps

  • 01

    Quick Audit

    After determining which areas you would like us to inspect, we do the audit with dedicated experts and create an extensive report.

  • 02

    Audit Process

    After the audit, we organize a workshop to lead you through our findings and consult about the actions to be taken.

  • 03

    Active help

    We either help you or we directly repair the identified issues or consult and instruct your team to improve internal processes leading to better software.

the experts of the field


Let us present you the experts leading the audit. This is our A-Team, our Six Samurais, our Ocean's Six.
  • Miki

    You can’t have 100-percent security, still you should always strive for it
  • Matthias

    Datenschutz & Lizenzen
    Leges non solum pro populo.
  • Feđa

    Ux Lead
    My work and passion are all about the customer journey and supreme digital experiences in which the user object is the focal point.
  • Tobias

    Senior Softwarequalitätsexperte
    High-quality code is what inspires me in my daily work. Reading well-written code is like reading a good book and I enjoy honing my craft as an author.
  • Petar

    Senior Software Architect
    Without proper architecture there is no proper building, only tinkering.
  • Kamila

    Senior Test Manager
    Testing is the art of finding a black box and making it sing

Our success stories

  • PRO7

    We performed a full code and project inspection of two mobile players and helped Pro7 making the decision which one to choose as the future platform for mobile content playback.

  • Vodafone Shop

    Troido created the first version of the multi-language shop using a fully customized Shopify and the Android and iOS apps. We made it possible for Vodafone phone users to have a more effortless shopping experience.

  • FriendsUp

    We helped the awarded German startup FriendsUp to increase stability, implement new features and add in-app payment which resulted in a rapidly growing user base leading to a massive revenue growth.

Unleash the full potential of your software application with our Application Audit Services

Gain peace of mind knowing that your application is secure, efficient, and primed to deliver an exceptional user experience.
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what do OUR partners and customers


  • With their expertise, knowledge and enthusiasm, the colleagues from Troido are an integral part of the team and always convince with their own ideas and suggestions for improvements.

    Kilian Schäfer

    Business Analyst DB Systel GmbH

  • Troido team is at the same time the creative innovative strength to break new technological ground, paired with a technical excellence to bring these innovations to market readiness.

    Daniel Schubert

    Head of Design, Vodafone Group

  • Every challenge that arose in the extremely complex project was in the best of hands with Troido - solved quickly and efficiently.

    Sebastian Staats

    Technical Director Cheil Germany

Read more case studies on Proven experts: https://www.provenexpert.com/troido/

Contact us for your App audit

Just fill in the form below, and we’ll be back in touch to arrange an informal consultation.


    Of course.

    Our experts can work on your premises and directly in your team to improve the processes and the communication as long as it takes.

    We certainly can. If you like us to improve your code-base, we will estimate the time needed for this and start working on your code. You can choose how much time you want to invest and which bugs you would like us to solve.


    In a first call, we can take a quick look and advise what would in our opinion be good to analyze but it is your decision and free choice what will be analyzed in the end.

    Yes, you will get a nice and extensive report of all findings as well as steps to take for their resolution.

    Depends strongly on the availability of the needed experts and the scope of the audit.